Dear Business Owner: What Is Your Trade Secret?

Dear News Maker

Dear You

No growing company reveals its core secrets. Not even in this time of free helpful content flying up and down by these business owners. They tell you many things you need to know about growing the business. And share lots of stories about their own growth and business.

They share a lot.

A lot.

But no one shares the core secret.

They call it a trade secret and many other names like the secret recipe and so on.

Trade secrets encompass both technical information, such as information concerning manufacturing processes, experimental research data, and software algorithms, and commercial information such as distribution methods, list of suppliers and clients, and advertising strategies.

All the financial, business, scientific, technical, economic, and engineering information can be a trade secret, and this can also include patterns, plans, compilations, program devices, formulas, designs, prototypes, methods, techniques, processes, procedures, programs, and codes.

Trade secrets can be a key component of IP portfolios helping businesses protect their secret formulas, know-how, and other key information that gives them a competitive edge.

There’s that edge most business coaches with practical businesses have that they will never share. Only a very few of them would decide to share some percentage of that truth with you. And it happens when they are diversifying or done with that business.

So why is it important to keep your trade secrets? Why not add the info to your content dispensing process?

Well. I said it already? Told you why already?

It helps your businesses protect stuff like secret formulas, know-how, and other key information that gives your business a competitive edge.

So for the sake of that competitive edge. You must not spit out everything. Give away 99% information to help your audience and readers. But that 1% of your trade secret deserves to be tucked away.

Your Trade Secret spotter



PS: What’s your Trade Secret? Tell me, I won’t tell anyone else. Trust me.

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